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From Sezoen(s) to Sezoen(s)

Unfortunately, our last performance dates back to the Sezoensrally 2019 and this of course does not only have to do with corona. We had been hanging on the sucker for a while, did not find the right feeling and the understeer lever continued to worry us with many a hangover as a result. Our task with a broken topmount in the 2019 edition was a bit of the low point, but also the trigger point to realize that the R-Box M3 was struggling with a fundamental problem.

Sometimes it is then necessary to take a few steps back and completely erase all attempts in order to start again with a fresh mind and a virgin white leaf. Due to the corona inactivity, we have of course had plenty of time to question various things again. The car has undergone so many adjustments, some of which are really very drastic. But in the meantime it has taken far too long and we are now more than eager to test all our updates and adjustments in practice!

Coincidence or not, the start is planned for the Sezoensrally, although edition 2021. Hopefully we have done the right things and the BMW now digests the typical but ooooo so fine course a lot better. Our ambition is crystal clear; easily make it to the end of the race with a good feeling about the handling of the M3. It would really be a relief to be able to focus on the rally instead of keeping an eye on the error LED of the throttle controller or the charging voltage of the battery with a bang heart and in the meantime fighting “like a possessed” with the front of the car to force the nose in the right direction. That was certainly the scenario during our past games.

“One learns by doing” is perhaps an inspiring saying, in reality this is sometimes painful and at times even very frustrating. Especially because we spare no effort to prepare and work everything out down to the last detail. Unfortunately, our ratio of effort to results to date has been fairly lousy. However, we persevered and continue to think ahead and that fortunately also brings new insights and ideas.

We are ready and, to put it in corona terms, the M3 is now double vaccinated and ready to compete with the Maaskiezel. The only corona rule that we are going to try to respect is the 1.5 meter rule with the Bocholtse décor but further mouth masks off and as a well-known schlager hit of yesteryear goes … “Let the dust fly, … “

See you in Bocholt !!

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