October 2010, a few kindred spirits with an extreme passion for rally gathers to found R-Box.
A new Rally project is born.
Almost 3,5 years and 1008 Pepsi Max’s later we proudly present the R-Box M3 car design.
This is one of the last milestones on our way to the finish (or is it a start) for the R-Box rally project.
As usual our aims are rather ambitious which was not always easy. Expressions like “almost”, “not bad”, “acceptable”, … ended always in the bin. Of course this has consequences. 3,5 years is long, very long but up until now we are convinced that we’ve always chosen the best solution.
We are quite happy with the result until now actually we are even proud.
This would not have been possible without the enthusiasm, dedication , loads of patience…of a small group of R-Box people always helping in a disinterested way were ever they could.
We are very grateful but only saying “thank you” is far from enough. We will do everything needed to turn R-Box into a success story.
Step by step because we want to avoid crazy things. Trial and error is not the way to move forward.
The first step is being part of the active rally scene in the second half of the season. We are convinced that this is possible. First goal is to finish and learn as much as possible, and have some fun …
Choosing the design has been a real struggle. At first we thought we could do better than Jeff Koons but that turned out to be a disaster. Most of the people in the R-Box team have a left oriented brain which does not match with great creative skills.
We wanted a contemporary and aggressive design taking our team colors into account. Although this might sound not so complicated, we didn’t find any graphics that completely satisfied us.
Finally we outsourced the design to Abstraxi. Frank PQ and Bert, the only ones with some activity in the right half of their brain matched the design with our sponsors and made a few minor changes which led to the result shown in the pictures.
We are happy with the looks and that is a feat in itself but we still want to hear your feedback.