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First paint !

Before we could start painting the suspension parts we needed to mount “more stiff” silentblocks. We replaced the rubber ones by ST52.3 steel ones.

Because it is whisfull that the suspension never takes a short cut other then the rest of the car we invited our specialist Carl to weld everything together.

It all received an epoxy primer and the parts will soon be painted..

Nice weather means BMW BBQ time…

A few news items ago we already revealed that we were working on a new BMW spit.

Today we officially installed the car in the spit. The result was amazing. It was much better then the previous prototype.

It is also easy to move the construction (thanks to the wheels !) and to rotate the car.

Mission accomplished !

We are also going to add some more features but his is not high on the priority list.

The steering column

Update -as promised – about the steering column

This just leaves us to fit it to check whether everything is like we wanted it to be. We are pretty confident about it but you never know..

It’s just a matter of determining the right height and offset of the steering wheel.

How does it ….fit ?

Because we already had good experiences with dummy versions we tried to continue this way of working to make the seat supports and the steering column. No final version yet but just a steering column from a E30 316i and an old racing seat.

Sadev meets S14 …

Because we did not want to take any risk with the adapter piece for the Sadev gearbox – due to its high production cost – (this has nothing to do with a lak of confidence in our mechanical wizard Nick) we first made a simplified model with low budget tools.( saw and drilling device)